Global Wheat, Flour, and Products Export 2022-2023
Statistics | Countries

Global Wheat, Flour, and Products Export 2022-2023

Russia European Union Australia Canada United States Ukraine Kazakhstan Turkey Argentina Brazil United Kingdom Others TMT Global Wheat Export 2022-2023 Includes wheat, flour, and other products Thousand Metric Tons United States Department of Agriculture (Foreign Agricultural Service) United States

The global export market for wheat, flour, and related products from July 2022 to June 2023 presents a varied landscape, reflecting not just economic strength but also geopolitical and environmental factors. The data, expressed in Thousand Metric Tons (TMT), encompasses the top 11 exporting countries and the collective output of others.

Russia leads the chart with an export volume of 47,500 TMT. Its dominance is attributed to vast agricultural lands and favorable growing conditions, despite facing international sanctions and geopolitical challenges.

The European Union, with 35,079 TMT, and Australia, at 32,329 TMT, follow closely. The EU’s strong position is bolstered by its large, diverse agricultural sector across multiple member states. Australia’s significant exports are driven by its favorable climate for wheat cultivation and efficient farming practices.

Canada and the United States, exporting 25,309 TMT and 20,262 TMT respectively, are key players. Their outputs are underpinned by advanced agricultural technology and large-scale farming operations, making North America a crucial region in the global wheat market.

Ukraine, despite ongoing conflict and challenges, manages to export 17,122 TMT. The war has undoubtedly impacted its agricultural sector, but the country’s fertile soil and historical status as a “breadbasket” enable it to maintain a significant export volume.

Kazakhstan and Turkey contribute 9,862 TMT and 6,953 TMT respectively. Kazakhstan’s exports are facilitated by its expansive arable land and strategic location near major importers. Turkey’s role is accentuated by its diverse climate allowing for varied agricultural production.

Argentina, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, with exports of 4,681 TMT, 2,689 TMT, and 1,906 TMT, are emerging markets in the global wheat trade. Their growing presence is a result of expanding agricultural sectors and strategic investments in farming technology.

The ‘Others’ category, accounting for 12,399 TMT, indicates the broad spectrum of smaller exporting nations, each contributing to the global market diversity.

In total, the global export volume is 216,091 TMT. This figure not only signifies the scale of the global wheat and flour trade but also underscores the interconnectedness of global food security with geopolitical dynamics, climate conditions, and agricultural practices.

This analysis provides a deeper understanding of the factors influencing each country’s export capacity, highlighting the complexities of the global agricultural market.

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Global Wheat, Flour, and Products Export 2022-2023:

United States Department of Agriculture (Foreign Agricultural Service)

Name Grain: World Markets and Trade (pdf, p. 19)


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